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Basic usage

The library provides declarative selectors for querying elements by attribute, class, id, type, selector and xpath:

import { ByAttribute, ByClass, ById, BySelector, ByType, ByXPath } from 'cypress-selectors';
import type { Selector } from 'cypress-selectors';
class HomePageSelectors {
static main: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.get('#main')
static input: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.get('input')
static button: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.get('.button')
static header: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.get('[cypress-id=header')
@BySelector('ul > li .focus')
static listItem: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.get('ul > li .focus')
static input: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.xpath('//input')

Each selector can be used by reference like the following:

it('should submit feedback form', () => {