`By` namespace
All of the selectors are accessible via By
namespace like the following:
import { By } from 'cypress-selectors';
import type { Selector } from 'cypress-selectors';
class Selectors {
static main: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.get('#main')
static input: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.get('input')
static button: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.get('.button')
static header: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.get('[cypress-id=header')
@By.Selector('ul > li .focus')
static listItem: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.get('ul > li .focus')
static xInput: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.xpath('//input')
static email: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.get(`[name="email"]`)
static bar: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.xpath(`//*[text()='Foo']`)
static p: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.xpath(`/*[contains(text(), 'Foo')]`)
@By.Link.ExactText('Link A')
static linkA: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.xpath(`//a[text()='Link A']`)
@By.Link.PartialText('Link B')
static linkB: Selector; // equivalent of - cy.xpath(`//a[contains(text(), 'Link B')]`)